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Counseling Autism - Tg.Frumos

The center of counseling and support for parents and children with ASD in Tg. Frumos - County Iași, had as mission:  counseling, supporting and informing of people with  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)  and their families, as also the people direct involved (for example: teachers)  through following activities:  individual counseling or as a family, support-groups for parents and brothers/sisters, integratie-activities, as also activities to relaxe, to stimulate on cognitive-psiho-motric areas and to improve their independence, beside that we organise different activities to inform about ASD, as workshops, courses, conferenties and public events to create awareness around ASD and related disorders.

Since 28.11.2022 these activities will be integrated in our Centre of Counseling and information in Strunga.