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Social activities in the countryside and Park of Joy in Strunga

The project in Strunga started in August 2007. We conduct conversations with families with a family member with a disability or chronic disease. At the moment, we are offering the following services:

  • weekly program of social activities for: children of 0-6 age with special needs, children of 7-18 age with special needs, afther the schoolhours, and for teenagers and young adults with special needs;
  • Support for parents with special need kids;
  • Activities to support sisters and brothers with special need kids,especially in school-hollidays;
  • Activities organised with special school from the aeria;
  • Counseling about needed adaptations to support the development of an independent life of people with a dizability; 
  • integration-activities for children from Strunga and surroundings, which take place on saturdays and in school-hollidays;
  • Elderly people as well as chronically ill people are visited regulary as well as with Christmas and Easter.


The center of counseling and Information "Joy Parc" Strunga - County Iași, has as mission:  counseling, supporting and informing of people with  special needs  and their families, as also the people direct involved (for example: teachers)  through following activities:  individual counseling or as a family, support-groups for parents and brothers/sisters, integratie-activities, as also activities to relaxe, to stimulate on cognitive-psiho-motric areas and to improve their independence, beside that we organise different activities to inform about special needs, as workshops, courses, conferenties and public events to create awareness around special needs.

Beneficiaries of this center can be people with special / social needs and their families, as also institutes who work with people who have special needs.

The activities of this center can take place in County Iași, Strunga, Str. Ion Creangă nr. 69A, at home of the beneficiaries, in the institutes (schools etc.) or in the Multifunctional Social Center in Tg. Frumos, Str. Cuza Vodă nr. 81A. 
