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First 10 years of implication in society

In the period of 2003 – 2013 there were 160 beneficiaries at foundation Ancora Salvării in different programs of our centre in Iasi. From them:

  • 35 children come at this moment to centre Ancora for individual therapy or group therapy
  • 36 old-beneficiaries go to the special school “Constantin Păunescu” from Iași
  • 70 parents of children or teenagers with autism has participated to the support group
  • 10 are at the regular school
  • 23 has got the needed information through counseling and an intake process , without making part in one of the programs
  • 3 have been transferred to a project for teenagers, at the parents organization ANCAAR-Iași

All the beneficiaries have taken part in the therapy of our foundation for a period of one year till seven years.

Collaborations with other organisations and institutions

  • December 2013: collaboration with Trinitas, a primary and secondary school for special education in Târgu Frumos, and Petru Rareş Primary School in Hârlău. We organised a project to promote the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
  • November 2013: organising a course called “Special teaching methods for children with learning disabilities in classes at schools for regular education” in Bârlad, in cooperation with Hester Houweling and the Star of Hope Foundation.
  • November 2013: activities organised together with day centre Stejarul in Iaşi, including physiotherapy consultations, group activities for children, and a parents’ group.
  • September 2013: collaboration with school no. 6 (a school for special education) and the organisations AITA and Verbina in a project called “Education for children with ASD”. The projects aims at developing and expanding education for children with autism in Moldova by integrating them in the educational system. In October we celebrated the opening of classes for children with autism at school no. 6 in Chişinău, in the presence of the Dutch Ambassador in Romania and Moldova.
  • July 2013: signing a cooperation agreement with the local government offices of the city of Târgu Frumos. We will offer social services as long as the multifunctional centre of Târgu Frumos exists.
  • March 2013: partner in making and presenting a documentary on autism in Romania. This project was realised in collaboration with ANCAAR Iaşi (Asociaţia Naţională pentru Copii şi Adulţi cu Autism).
  • March 2013: organising the course “Theoretical and practical aspects of ASD” in Oneşti as well as a workshop aimed at making didactic materials for classes with children with autism in Paşcani.
  • December 2012: partner in “Join as a volunteer!”, a project in which infants from kindergarten no. 14 in Iaşi and children from day centre Ancora participated.
  • May 2012: organising the course “Theoretical and practical aspects of ASD” in two groups: one for psychology students and one for special education teachers.
  • April 2012: translating the conference “Autism: special people among us” and participating in the presentations, in cooperation with ANCAAR Iaşi.
  • November–December 2011: partner in the project “Let’s be happy during the holidays”, together with Octav Băncilă Secondary School of Arts, Trinitas in Târgu Frumos, and the primary schools Erbiceni and Scobâlţeni.
  • November 2011: advising the staff of Trinitas concerning pupils with ASD. Organising several extracurricular activities in the Park of Joy in Strunga for pupils of this school and participants of the Foundation.
  • September 2011: publication of the Russian translation of Geef me de 5 (Give me 5, dă-mi o mână de ajutor – pedagogie modernă pentru lucrul cu persoane autiste) by Colette de Bruin, supervised by the Foundation. The book was published in Romanian in 2008, also under supervision of the Foundation, but in collaboration with Elena Vataman (director of the AITA Foundation in Chişinău). The book is published by Graviant Educatieve Uitgaven in Doetinchem, the Netherlands.
  • May–June 2011: participant in a project called “Being an amazing child” in cooperation with a primary school in Erbiceni in the province of Iaşi.
  • April 2010, 2011, and 2012: collaboration with ANCAAR Iaşi in the project “Show you care”, aiming to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day on 2 April by organising activities and participating in them.
  • March–April 2009: collaboration with Constantin Păunescu (a primary and secondary school for special education), ANCAAR Iaşi, and LOTUS Iaşi to organise educational activities entitled “Let’s make ourselves known through dance!”
  • December 2008: collaboration with Constantin Păunescu and ANCAAR Iaşi in a project called “December: gifts month”.
  • September 2008–March 2011: collaboration with Constantin Păunescu to implement the project “We’re learning together”. We were aiming to secure education for children with autism by creating and offering alternative learning methods. Five classes for pupils with ASD were established in Constantin Păunescu’s auxiliary branch Brănduşa. Collaboration between teachers and specialists from the Foundation was also important.
  • April–November 2008: collaboration with the art school Octav Băncilă in Iaşi to celebrate the day centre’s fifth anniversary. The project, “Communication and getting acquainted through ‘artistic’ language”, featured an exhibition called “Souls expressed in colours”, in which works of the Foundation’s participants were being showcased. Other celebratory art activities included dance, choir, and music.